Repair universe
Ripped off for money and part for cell phone

Internet & Web

I ordered a part for a cell phone that I was repairing for a customer, according to the confirmation invoice emailed to me it states my correct address, but according the the UPS tracking system that I used to track my package, repair universe entered the wrong zip code and now some person is walking around with my package, After many emails and lots of written discussion, this is how repair universe treats their so called customers, this is an email sent to me by, I don't know, some rep:


This is not our fault because how ever you filled out the information is how we printed it on to the label. You will need to contact the post office where it was delivered and if it is not accepted then it will delivered back to us. Please contact them as soon as possible for delivery because it should have gone to your location that you provided.
All the best,
RepairsUniverse Sales Team

All the best!!! Are you kidding?
I'm out the money and the part.

Company: Repair universe
Country: USA
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Repairs Universe shipped item to wrong address and refused to make it right

Repairs Universe
Employee Error & Customer Pay For It

Repairs Universe charges 20% restocking fees even if the part is wrong one sent
Beware of

Repairs Universe
Faulty repair parts

Video Universe
CD Universe These three companies appear to be related. Ripped off

Sent a broken screen that does not work and told me i had broken it

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Bad service

Att unnicweaw
Can't obtain repair and support

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Great Place to Shop if You Enjoy Being Lied to, Cheated, and Made to Feel Like an Idiot - CD