Took away broadband speed won't change price won't upgrade area

Internet & Web

I have had Broadband internet with Windstream for approx. 1-1/2 to 2 yrs at a speed of 3mbps. It took years of fighting with them just to get that out of them becasue they say I live to far. The internet has worked fine for the most part with just a few connectivity problems. The last time I had a problem they came out and fixed it.By fixing it the just bumped my speed down to 512k and said that is all the I can have and anything higher won't work even thought its been working for over a year.

I called there main office after getting my last bill because they are charging me the same price as what I had before but at the lower speed. After getting run around and making multiple calls they told me that is now the price for everyone from 512k up to 3mbps. They won't lower my price, but they won't turn my speed back up to were I had it either.

My neighbor lives 200yds from me and has been told repeatedly that he is to far for anykind of broadband. After telling them that I had it they said I wasn't supposed to and he was out of luck.

They have upgraded the lines all around my area but told him off the record that they would not come down our stretch of hwy because there was not enough people for them to worry about. I live on a major state hwy, 3 miles outside of a small town. They don't want to cross the river past us so they just stopped at the edge of town.

I was also told by a different tech that our neighborhood is out of lines and that is why they are giving everyone the run around because they don't want to upgrade. He said they would rather have people cancel than deal with it.

All I want is what I had and what I pay for. Tired of all the run around. If they are getting federal stimulus money to upgrade broadband then I think I should be upgraded too. I do pay taxes just like everyone else.

Basically what I'm saying is if there was any other phone company in my area I would switch in a heartbeat, but they are the only one available in this area.

Company: Windstream
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Charlotte
Address: 1720 galleria boulevard
Phone: 18003471991
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