Apple Store The Grove
Ripoff wrong info and fooling the customer dishonest business

Internet & Web

I went to the apple store at the grove in los angeles a month and a half ago on august 12th and bought a powerbook G4 17". Before buying it i asked them if any new version or model is coming or not soon. And they said clearly and confidently no.

And then last week or two weeks ago a new model of powerbook is arrived with more upgrade more memory and everything for a less price than mine. I bought it 3299$ one and a half month ago and now it is 2999$ with higher technology.

They now say that they had no idea they didn't know it was coming. How is that possible!!! And they don't change it because it passed 10 days after the purchase. I would've wait if i'd knew. Thank You

Company: Apple Store The Grove
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
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