Apple Computers
Apple Mac - Buyer Beware! We bought 2 and they are expensive doorstops. Plano Texas

Electronics and household app.

We bought two Macbooks about a month apart. For the first month we LOVED them. We invested in the largest hard drives and the maximum amount of RAM and expected to have at least 4 or 5 years use. Not so fast!

About a month later, my box started shutting down intermittently. That was trip 1 to the apple store for repairs. Next month, same repair for my husband. Trip 2 to the apple store. A couple months later, I had some sort of problem with the battery. Trip 3 to the apple store. Next month, same thing with my husband's laptop. Trip 4 to the Apple store. Then, the case had to be replaced because of a fault in the manufacturing process that caused it to stain. Trip 5 to the apple store.

Next month, my husband had the same problem. Trip 6 to the apple store. Then, the power cord split. Trip 7 to the Apple store.

Things were quiet for a while and everything was fine. Not so fast!

A couple of days ago, I was surfing the web and my computer froze. Long story short, it was my hard drive and my circuit board. I lost EVERYTHING! The data recovery people couldn't save anything at all. We expect that my husband's box will follow suit any day now. We spent $3000 for 14 months of use on these computers. Apple claims that their lemon policy doesn't apply. Needless to say, I'm now using a PC and will never go Apple again. Pure garbage.

Do you research before you buy these! You can buy a disposable computer for a lot less money than these disposable Macbooks.

Company: Apple Computers
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: 6121 West Park Blvd Plano, Texas 75093
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