Apple Store / Oak Brook, IL
Consumer Report


On my I-Phone the Visual Voicemail had stopped working for the last three days. Call Verizon first, they walked me through some trouble shooting for a half hour (for free) after that the lady suggested I go to the Verizon store where I bought it and she would update the account so they could pick up where she left off. Did that and they suggested I take the phone home, back it up into I-Tunes and then update it (which I did) they said if that didn't work it would be determined to be an Apple issue and that i should call them next. I called Apple next and the store's chief upseller said he couldn't help me unless i bought the 69.00 Apple Protection Plan because my 90 days since purchase was up. I did have a few months left on my warrantee for hardware issues however. All that is fine except that i found out after that from Verizon that Apple had acknowledged a server issue with Visual Voicemail and upgraded it to their own Major Malfunction Unit and weren't even taking anymore customer complaint tags because they were well aware of the issue being within their own server. The chief upseller had to know of this and could have spared me from buying the added protection today by being honest and telling me of the well known issue which they still haven't corrected. Scammed into an unnecessary purchase today by omitting a well acknowledged server problem within their own organization.

Company: Apple Store / Oak Brook, IL
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Oak Brook
ZIP: 60523
Address: 402 Oakbrook Center
Phone: 6304813470
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Consumer Report

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