Msntv 2
Microsoft, MSNTV, Microsoft On-line Overcharge for a month of service

Internet & Web

I was ripped off.

MSNTV stated that I was going to be paying $9.95 per month. They instead of telling me that they were taking $99.95!!!

I called 7 times, e-mailed them 8 times. Each time a different answer.

First time I called, they stated that "Yes, we can change that sir, you will be charged $9.95." and they still taken out the $99.95.

Second call: "yes sir, we see that there is a mistake, and you will be credited to your account." four days later and NOTHING!!! In the bank account.

So I call again.
"hello there, yes I see that your are on our year plan."
"I do not want to be on a year plan and I want that money that your company promised I was going to get back."

"Sorry sir, the money is going into our housing account!" "you will not get that money back unless you cancel the service." "It may take up to 30 days to get your money back into your checking account."

So I canceled the service.

One thing is that MSNTV Microsoft billing is the worst there is!!!

If anyone wants to buy or give you an MSNTV Tell them forget it!!!

If you would notice that anyone buying an MSNTV there is only one option for payment now. The yearly plan. $100 with broadband service. Dial up a whole lot more money, and they NO LONGER go Month to month.

Still no billing questions have been answered at all!!!

Company: Msntv 2
Country: USA
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