Worst customer service ever, wait for the dude in India to wake up and go through booklet

Internet & Web

It's not only one incident. It's been numerous bad experiences. Any time you need to talk with customer service about bills, or any other issue be prepared to have long wait and then be transfered to somebody in India, who dose not know a shit about issue and you have tough time to understand what he says. And after 30 minutes struggling to make him/her understand the problem, now he goes through troubleshooting booklet and repeat to you all that you have told him.
Unfortunately there is absolutely no way you talk to somebody in US. Why this company dose not hire people here. Why put money in their pocket. Aren't many people here jobless now? Ban earthlink!!

Company: Earthlink
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
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Ripoff: 10 months of DSL was noteworthy for confusion, misdirection, poor to no service and refusal to take any responibility. Atlanta, Internet

Awful customer service

Earthlink Internet Lied about Their Prices
Customer service ripoff waste of time thieves Worldwide

Still STEALING money from my accounnt 2 months after cancelling Unknown Outsourced To India

Earthlink, people Pc
Earthlink, people Pc ripoff, fraud, dishonest, unfriendly, not very bright

Earthlink Internet Provider
Earthlink Fraudulent Monthly Wireless sign up and router promises

People pc, sprint we screw u long time

EarthLink, Inc
After receiving a call from

Helio An Earthlink Company
Ripoff, If you think Earthlink is bad wait till you do buisiness with Helio