Overcharges and cancellation fee usa

Internet & Web

I sign up for VOIP in September In June I was told I cant cancel at that time and my payment was lowered to keep my business. They put you through the run a round to cancel your service each time I call.in June I was told to prevent the cancel fee I have to wait a year. Now in May I am told it is 2yrs or I will be change a 39.99 fee. I sign no contract and now here I am in a contract. It took 6 calls to find out this information. Customer service is bad. Phone keeping having drop call. Always losing internet service and it takes about 1-2hrs to get back connection. When internet goes you also lose phone services. This is the worst company I ever dealt with. They use hard to remember information to verify your account to disconnect but when call to add service they dont have a problem verifying my account.

Company: Vonage
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8778165921
Site: www.vonage.com
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Cancellation Fees Holmdel New Jersey

Terrible Customer Service & Policies on Cancellation

Awful company

REFUSES TO CANCEL MY ACCOUNT Adrian, employee # 010071, refused to cancel my account without me agreeing to $45 CANCELLATION FEE. I never agreed to this fee and refused and I want out! Internet

So many things Vonage does not tell you about! Unauthorized charges, calls not received and can not be made

Steals from the poo

Vonage is HORRIBLE

Vonage won't let me Cancel their service, yet they still want my money!

What is the problem with these people? Fairmont West Virginia

Vonage, VOIP Service
Ripoff terrible poor customer service continued credit card billing after cancellation excessive waiting for customer care Greensboro North Carolina