Nightmare on 11th Avenue

Internet & Web

After canceling my cable internet service because of escalating prices, I switched to Verizon internet service because of a "special" offer—first six months free with a year's service. All well and good; then the nightmare commenced with Verizon billing.

When my first bill arrived, it was not for the plan I had signed up for on 9/11/08 but something called Double Freedom discount which was more costly. On 9/29/08 I called Verizon billing when I received my bill. After going through an incredible number of voice prompts and being transferred to India and back, I finally spoke to a rep named Carlos. He assured me that the error had been corrected and gave me a Confirmation number and assured me the problem had been corrected and I would be credited the difference. Entire time spent on phone: 1 hour 43 minutes.

On 10/29/08, I received the next bill from Verizon. Not only was the problem still there, I was being charged late fees. I called again. This time I spoke with Helen. She spoke with David Vasquez who allegedly fixed the problem. She gave me yet another confirmation number. Time spent on phone: 1 hour 29 minutes.

On 11/06/08 I went online to view my current bill. The horror was still there along with more late fees. I called again. Spoke with Destiny who told me that the "special" offer had expired and that I would have to pay the regular rate.By then my blood pressure was 1000/900. Eventually I spoke with Pam who assured me that the matter had been resolved and that Destiny's supervisor Sally in the Escalation Center had corrected the mistake. This time I was given VOUCHER numbers which supposedly corrected the misbilling of the previous two months. Time spent on phone: 1 hour 3 minutes.

Verizon has wasted my time and lied to me. They have blown enough smoke up my various orifices that I could possibly become airborne at any moment. If I were an attorney charging Verizon for billable hours, they would be providing my entire phone/internet services for free for a year!

I am now waiting was the next billing to see if I have to endure Verizon's billing incompetence yet again.

Company: Verizon
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Saint Petersburg
Phone: 8004834000
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Verizon Wireless
Won't cut service and keeps billing me!

Verizon Wireless
DSL Internet Service - Complaint

Verizon FIOS
Bundles? The only bundle we got was the bundle of money they billed us!


Unfair billing practices



Verizon FIOS

OAN Services Inc. And Verizon
OAN Services INC. And Verizon OAN has been charging me for months... And Verizon has let them do it! Internet

Verizon Wireless
Unauthorized billing