Vonage Lies to the Consume

Internet & Web


Normally, I like to give out complements But, this time I have to write about HORRIBLE SERVICE PRACTICES by Vonage.

I had tried them in 2006 and the system did not work for us. Only a few phones actually rang through their service. I called to discontinue the service and they charged me for their router. For the past two years they have been sending me letters asking me to come backBIG MISTAKE! Big, big mistake!!! I thought I would be a nice person, save some money and give them another chance to prove they are what they say they are! NOPE!!!

I called and spoke to Edwin # 56600 who flat out LIED to me telling me that I would not have the same problems I had before with my phones. I could send and receive faxes Lie #2. I asked him specifically in front of my husband on the speaker phone and was assured that I only had to disconnect my phone lines from the outside phone box and this time I would not have any problems. He flat out lied to me. Of course he is in the Phillipines so good luck finding him.

I signed up on February 20th and did not receive service in my home until March 13th. I called a number of times to see what the problem was and they kept saying the previous person had set up the account incorrectly. When I followed the instructions as how to install the device and what to do with my phones, I had to run from room to room to try to answer my phone. Only some of my phones would actually ring on the Vonage system. I was not able to receive a fax, occasionally I could send a fax. I had tried to fix the fax problem by going to Radio Shack and they knew right away that I had VonageThey laughed and said, "It doesn't work for your faxes" I got on line and Googled this problem and came across a website that spoke of the same bad situation with the Vonage system. I spoke to at least 4 tech people at Vonage, Sudheer, Chris, Grace and Paul, and no one could help with the problems I was having on the phone. One guy Sudheer said I should get the "Geek Squad" to come out for about $150.00 to set up the Vonage like correctly since they did not have someone in my area for free. They said they would only credit me $75 but I would have to pay the rest. After all of this, I gave up and called Charter Communications to switch my phone system to them. Vonage would not release my phone number for 3 more weeks and now they charged me a canellation fee of $99.89 for service from March 13th to April 14th.

To talk to them they sound like robots saying they will give me 2 more months free to keep the service. They must be reading off a script because I never heard an original idea come out of Edwin, Sudheer, Chris, Grace, Paul, Norma or Brians mouth. You can speak to a supervisor but they say the exact same thing. They will not give out any other supervisors name or contact information. How can this be a reputable company doing business in America. When a company treats their customers this way, I hope they go out of business and soon! They are the worst company I have ever dealt with. Karma will get them in the end.

I have no other choice but to tell everyone I know about this terrible company and ask them to tell everyone they know to do the same and so on and so on

Consumers beware!!! Vonage lies to the consumer and it will cost you to receive TERRIBLE SERVICE!


Defrauded Custome

Company: Vonage
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Holmdel
Address: 23 Main Street
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Cancelled Vonage May 8 when I got Charter. Vonage still billing Ripoff internet

Do not do business with Vonage - Buyer Beware

VONAGE customer service

Gave my Vonage number away without notice, kept billing, charged me to cancel

Awful company

Terrible service

Ripped me off

Fees and charges

Vonage customer service - Vonage Service

Do not use vonage for your phone service-buyer beware