Doctor Scripts
I paid them $118.00 for a refill that I never received. I continually received the runaround.inTERNET

Internet & Web

I am appalled at this companies lack of communication. I really think they knew all along that they weren't going to be able to refill my order. I asked on three seperate occasions for the return of my money and on each occasion they would tell me that since it was in shipping mode they wouldn't be able too. They would also tell me that "upper management" was handling all the orders and as soon as "upper management" got everything straightened out they would have the answers to my questions. I asked to speak to "upper management and I wasn't allowed too. The so-called supervisor I did speak too had no more information than the customer service reps, who I truely believe were using a script to answer my questions, they sounded like robots. I was ripped off and I would like my money back. I was very patient with this company and I feel like a fool to even have given them the benefit of the doubt that there was a computor glich or that the many pharmacies they tried to use backed out on them or the many other untrue excuses they handed me. I would like to know how we/I attempt to get out money back and where we/I start the process? I can't even figure out what state they are out of as I was going to call the Attorney General and file a complaint. If somebody knows a way to get our money back I would certainly like to be a part of it.

Company: Doctor Scripts
Country: USA
Phone: 8006831810
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