AP9 24 Protect Plus
Unauthorized charge to credit card. They know what they are doing is wrong.internet

Internet & Web

I had authorized a credit report from another similar company and gotten it. It was inadequate when they sent it to me so I filed for a refund. That day, I noticed another charge for 14.95 on my credit statement as I check it daily. When I called that company, the person who answered couldn't tell me (in plain English) what I had been charged for.

What did I pay 14.95 for? I just got some double talk. I advised her that I did request a credit check from another business, but I did not check any boxes or request any other services. I asked for a refund and was told that I would receive it in 2 business days.

This is clearly a scam as the employees are banking on the fact that many people will just pay the charge without confirming that they got any service. It should not be up to me to ask for a refund for something that I have not authorized or gotten.

SHAME on those that operate and work for this company. All of the rebuttals that I have read here say the fault is with the consumer for not reading the fine print. That fine print is meant to explain the details of the contract, not hide the criminal activity of stealing.

Marmora, New Jersey

Company: AP9 24 Protect Plus
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8002119749
Site: www.adaptivemarketing.com/ap9/24protectplus.asp
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CIC CE Credit Manager
Unauthorized charge for service

FreeCreditReport.com - ripoff lied fraudulant billed unauthorized charges did not cancel will not refund

Grant One Day
Received credit for unauthorized charge of $94.89, without waiting 88 days!

Wc *value Plus
Damark.com OMG! This company charged $19.95/month on my credit card for a service they would not tell me about!

Charged credit card after i cancelled a 7 day trial i didnt realize i signed up for before the trial was up.internet

Affinion Group
Fraud protection plus - used on my credit union accoutn fraudlent and unauthorized charges on our credit union account, also on two addition accounts belonging to our sons

Acai Advanced

Unauthorized credit card charges double billing no refunds illegal practices

Ripoff credit score report company with deceptive practices

Grant funding Research
Unauthorized charges