Ripoff Company! Don't Use Them! Charlestown St. Kitts

Internet & Web

I was going to sign up for this service as they advertise "Lifetime and unlimited access" for unlimited music downloads for $26.88. I gave my credit card info and after that saw they were actually going to charge me $41.76, which included a $14.88 charge for "NetSpyProtector Option" which they don't mention until after they already have your credit card number and it doesn't seem to be an "option" at all as there is no choice in being charged for it. I did NOT agree to the terms and did not sign on to the site which should have negated the transaction. (they state that if you sign on that you automatically agree so I made it a point NOT to sign on) I also sent an email telling them to cancel any transaction as I did not agree to the "option" of the additional $14.88 charge. I watched my credit card charges to see if this one would come up and sure enough it did but was posted 8 days after the transaction. I called immediately to have this charge removed but was told there is a 7 day refund period and it was now past. I told them it just posted and that I had sent an email immediately after I saw they were adding a charge without my knowlege, but again was told it was too late to refund me but they could offer me all the tech help I needed. Ripoff!!!

Company: IMusicAccess
Country: USA
Address: 642 Main St., Charlestown, St. Kitts
Phone: 8884486880
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