Hell — Two Thumbs Down

Internet & Web

"What is Dell Hell?" you may ask. It is a realm in which a customer supposes that just one more email or telephone call will persuade Dell to stand behind its products. Our ministry used to buy computer equipment almost exclusively from Dell. Now we plan to shop almost anywhere but. Visiting and entering, "Dell" into the search engine yields nearly 700 complaints!

Unfortunately this once-fine company is relaying customer service calls to foreign telephone representatives who neither speak nor understand English very well. The consequence, once callers get past lots of hold time, is tiresome repeating and clarifying. Even worse, their protocols, seem to be contrived to avoid actually servicing or replacing equipment in accordance with Dell's warranties and service policies. It is a sign of the times when such a large, successful corporation will so flagrantly trash its goodwill with customers in an apparent grab for short-term profits.

P.S. Check out For even more fun, google "Dell sucks" and see how many agree.

Company: Dell
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Austin
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Ripoff-contact info

Dell Hell - Latitude Laptop

Dell Customer Service
Dell is a Dud - dell ispiron B1530

Dell Computer
Dell Customer Service and Awful Inspiron Computer - Dell Inspiron Lap Top


Dell Computers At
Dell corporation dell, laptop

Dell Customer Service
DELL service is a RIP-OFF - DELL service

Dell Corporation
Horrible Customer Service

Dell Hell - Laptop does not work and Dell doesn't care! - Dell Laptop

Dell Computer
Dell's Customer Service Has Declined, and I Hate My New Computer - Dell Inspiron products and customer service