Overcharging and lying to customers!

Internet & Web

I got my bill for December and found it to be $10 more than it should be. After some internet sleuthing I have found out that my account was changed, that features that were included for free were erased and added as premium features that I have to pay extra for now.

I previously had access to the wireless web and had 600 included text messages, now I have to pay for my text messaging and the internet is a thing of the past. After unleashing my fury at my local verizon store and calling a friend in the company, my tirade produced a name. A Sales associate by the name of Alex A. From Fargo, ND that works at a Grand Forks ND Verizon store (store number M3589-01). Altered my account without my authorization.

After speaking with his manager Barry, I was apologized to and told that nothing can be done as my plan is no longer available and they cannot put that feature back onto my account without charging me now. Do I smell a rat? I think so. I was also informed that this shady character Alex actually profited with a kickback on his paycheck for his slimy efforts.

He also assured me that Alex did this by mistake. Yeah right. Am I the only one that this happened to? I think not. Who can say if this will happen again? Who is going to stop it? I have spent 12 hours of my normal working day into resolving this issue and all I have is a automated customer service number that I can reach. I want justice!!!

Company: Verizon
Country: USA
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