Best Buy
Ripoff extended warranty not honored

Internet & Web

Dear Sirs,
I would like to tell you about an extremely poor experience I had in one of Best Buy stores. I was at store # 228 last year on 4/16/05 and purchased a Gateway lap top computer and a 3 year service contract. If they had offered a longer one or better one I would have purchased it.

I had a problem with the charger and returned the unit on 4/23/05 and was given a new one. I felt confidant with my purchase. Then on 6/26/06 I had a problem with my computer and returned it for service confidant that I would have no problem since I had a service contract.

Nothing was done on my laptop till I called on 7/3/06. Then I was promised a call back none happened. I called on 7/5/06 was hung up on 3 times. Then I was put on hold and spoke to Kristal Hirsch. She told me that since the serial number on the back was cooked off by the heat of the unit no one was working on my unit they needed a manager's approval. She said I would be contacted Monday.

No call was received till I called back on 7/10/06. I was hung up on 3 times I used prompt #49 and this I was told would get me to the Geek Squad. I was then told that my computer was in the store.

I was pleased and rushed over after work. My baby was fixed and ready for me. You have know idea how totally crushed and devastated by the clerk words that indeed no fixed computer was mine. I was completely sick and angry because I was told that my computer had been immersed in water by me.

This could not be true. I had never ever let anyone near my computer with any liquid. I had treated this computer with kid gloves. I and only I used this lap top my son could as well but never with out me sitting next to him. I monitor his Internet usage like a hawk.

Since he has his own computer this was a rare thing to happen. My computer came to work with me since I could use it for my school work. So I knew where it was at all times. My computer could never have been exposed to water I knew for sure.

I demanded a manager and I met Kristal Hirsch she was no help at all. She told me I had voided my warranty and too bad. Oh I was told a new warranty was available that would have covered this kind of damage. I was Hot once my computer was out of warranty from the manufacturer Best Buy would make up things to get out of its obligations.

I then asked for the paper that I was given that had all my notes on it about my calls and when I talked to people. Suddenly it was missing. I was told this was not her fault and sure they admitted they had seen it. Now mysteriously the paper was not there.

Kristal felt she was not to blame. I felt that all they were saying to me was lies. I was shaking and furious s she would not tell me the name of her District Manager. I was in a shouting match with some other clerk that had nothing to do with any of this. He is the one who kept saying my computer was immersed.

The notes from the repair center claim liquid damage. I was provided with a telephone # 888-237-8289. I called on my way out of the store I never inspected my computer in the store and wished I had.

I started a case with Mickey the # is 28321067. I explained all the problems in detail I even broke down and cried. I used my computer every day for a year. Seconds after hanging up with Mickey, I had my husband inspect the computer. We found cracks in the case on the back of the computer where the screws were. I called back and spoke to another worker at the same number.

She opened a Case as well her name was Mandy case # 283221934. I believe one of the techs broke my motherboard with too much torque and was claiming water damage. He could easily have doused my computer with a coke to cover his tracks.

I feel that someone may have wrecked my computer with water. I know it was not me. I feel that due to the way I was treated and the sneaky way the people acted at the store it must have happened there.

They also told me they now offer a newer version of my three year warranty that covers just such accidental damage. I think they felt I may have been more foolish than I am. That I would replace my beloved lap top in their store and fall into the false warranty trap again.

I am one of the most loyal persons you will ever meet. I purchased many items at this store in the last year. You can see this from my rewards zone participation a tracking system of my shopping habits.

One of the Geek Squad fought with me and yelled at me he was in no way involved in my dropping off the lap top or picking up insisting that I had immersed my computer. I feel I should have a complete and total apology from this person. He was rude and wrong. I also feel that they should honor their obligations and repair or replace my computer.

I will not do anything till you contact me or resolve this issue. I was told my case would have resolution with in 7 days. The resolution was to say that they would never fix or repair my computer. I begged them you to be honorable in this instance.

The out come of this whole run around from this store was I wasted my time. Best Buy's feels it can do anything thing it wants. The little guy has no power and they just laugh at us. I beg you to take up my cause. This is not just one incident, the Attorney General of the states of Ohio and New Jersey have filed suit on behalf of their consumers.

This shows a pattern of deceit. Ohio is still pending its out come but it's based on the comparable reasons (I found this out from the Better Business Bureau) I have no other motives other than fairness and a desire for justice.

Many have told me that the little guy just has to take it. I feel this is not true. I believe that you could champion my cause and be my hero. I don't think it is right for a person to promise to do something then when you ask them to live up to their obligations they act like thieves and don't honor their promise.

Fort Wayne, Indiana

Company: Best Buy
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Fort Wayne
Address: 737 Northcrest Shopping Ctr
Phone: 2604715501
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