Online Supplier
OS Actionline Service Hold on my bank account, ripoff

Internet & Web

I thought I could earn a little side money and saw the ad for selling/doing auctions on ebay with a kit. I signed up and DID NOT accept additional offers. NO coaching, NO buyline store. The cost was to be only $1.95 shipping and handling. It said I would receive the package of materials in 2 or 3 days.

The next day I saw a total HOLD on my account. I couldn't even make a $15 purchase for my Rx prescription. I had just gotten paid and should have nearly $900 in the account. It was TOTALLY locked up. I called my bank, but it was after hours and I have to wait until the next day. I did a Google search on the company name and found they are a scam.

Boy, did I learn my lesson. I will get hold of my bank tomorrow and have it completely reversed and hopefully unlocked. I just hope they didn't steal $800 from me!!!

Company: Online Supplier
Country: USA
State: California
City: Long Beach
Address: 404 East First St
Phone: 8008313952
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Online Supplier
Ripoff scam shady

Online Supplier
All the money, but none of the service

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SCAM - tells you, you will only be charged $1.95 - NOT SO! Ripoff

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Web BankingHe Put a hold on my account unecessarily

They asked me to complete survey, said I won prize, pay only S H, stole full purchase from account $80