Online Supplier - Online Supplier Auctions - ebay
Online Supplier Auctions RIP-OFF! I paid the trial membership so WHERE IS MY STORE? Salt Lake City, Utah Internet

Business & Finance

I signed up for trial period. Was told that they would place my store on internet. I created the web page, but there wasn't anywhere on the Internet where my store could be found under my store name or my name. When you go into their site and try to manage your web page, you are to register your domain, which cannot be done.

The products that I saw were a joke. The seller is not shown any wholesale cost at all. There is a block where you decide how much you want to mark-up all of your products. So you cannot control the mark-up for individual products, it is the same for all. I called to cancel and was hung-up on, then had to call back.

Once you join, everything is handled through their customer service line. Those people, all of them work through a written script which tells them exactly what to say to you. I spent hours designing a lousy web page that required a lot of typing in this and that which did not even become a part of my web site.

The seller has no way of preventing personal information from being obtaine. The sellers are usually working from home which in reality is their business address, but come on, why are our addresses posted. They urge you to go to Pay Pal or Merchant Accounts which are jokes. As soon as I asked "Where is my online store on the Internet as promised other than your website (manage your web store section), they hung up. Manage your web, is the section where you can change design, etc.

The UP SIDE is that I have seen complaints against this company, and I will be going to the bank to have my card used to pay cancelled and reissued to stop them from ripping me off anymore. They recommend PayPal but there are special things for customers that cannot be used unless your store is also placed on EBAY, which they do not tell you. Business accounts have to be set up with your bank or you cannot accept credit card payments or be paid by PayPal at all and there is hidden charges there. I cancelled Paypal account.

I checked online to see about how web sites are actually gotten in on the Internet. You have to have a Web Host, A registered Domain which is your intenet address, and this you have to pay around $40 a month for from the Start. They tell you all that you need is a computer or laptop. The reality is that you need money to keep shoving out for nothing.

I am unemployed at the moment and I was willing to try this to see if I could make extra money, I was not looking to get rich. Another thing is that they do not tell you anything about existing refund policies or what they do if customer complains about not receiving goods, etc. They say that they provide training. Their training is to follow instructions on how to design your web pag that in reality goes nowhere.

I tried to find my web page after I cancelled, but could not find it. JUST IN CASE, Ashlea's Bargains is the name of my store, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Linda Smith is listed on the Web page as the comany rep. Do not order anything from here, this is my business and i am not operating it. It has been cancelled at online suppliers, online supplier auctions. SAVE YOUR MONEY!

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Company: Online Supplier - Online Supplier Auctions - ebay
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: 1135 South Highland Drive H703
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