Net Zero
NOT Free First Month Net Zero doesn't even work! Ripoff

Internet & Web

I signed up for Net Zero on June 28. You have to provide a credit card, which is nothing unusual. I expected to be able to try it out, like the webpage says, for 30 days free, cancelling without a charge if it didn't work out for me.

I cancelled my Net Zero account July 1st, THREE DAYS LATER, because I couldn't get it to work. It wouldn't hook up to the internet, and when I gave up on it, it kept popping up windows to ask me if I wanted to connect, even though it didn't work.

I removed and re-installed Net Zero repeatedly, and finally gave up, causing me to cancel it and resume using my present ISP account.

When I received my credit card statement on July 23rd, I saw that Net Zero charged my account on June 29th! THE VERY NEXT DAY!

I suggest anyone who wants to change ISPs, DO NOT USE Net Zero. They don't work, lie, and steal!

Also, if you have this problem, send a letter IMMEDIATELY to your credit card company disputing the charge. Don't count on Net Zero to remove it. I called them as soon as I saw the charge on my credit card, and was told that they'd "escalate my bill" through multiple "supervisors" until they got to someone who would remove the charge. (Does that mean they plan on "escalating" my bill, too?!)

Then I immediately wrote a letter to my credit card company. I'm sick and tired of being ripped off, and these guys aren't going to do this to me!

Please, DON'T sign up for Net Zero.

Company: Net Zero
Country: USA
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