Dell Computers
DELL customer service is bogus and in India, apparently RIPOFF

Internet & Web

I have had the same problem and so has my brother as the writer below..

Dell has the worst customer service. I ordered a computer system and the next day I canceled the order. They shipped the order anyway. I waited 6 weeks for them to issue a credit. They made excuses, did't know how to track a package or an order. I have spent so many hours trying to get a refund, I should send them a bill!

Not only this, but I have spent over 2 years trying to straighten this out. They call constantly. We call constantly. They swear it won't happen again, then they send bills and start calling all over again. The company is relentless and uses Indian representatives who constantly refer you back and forth to the same phone numbers and never do anything to stop the harrassment. My computer actually works fine, but I would never ever ever buy any product ever again from this company nor would I ever tell anybody to.

It is the worst buyer experience I have ever had by leaps and bounds! Now, they program my number into a redial system, call me over and over throughout the day. If I respond. They have a dial back number. I can't block the number because it is 866-620-6000 — an out of area, toll-free numbe

Company: Dell Computers
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Round Rock
Address: One Dell Way
Phone: 8002832210
  <     >  


Dell Corporation
Ripoff Rond Rock

Dell — IOKIE
Not sure — said they were a technical support company Call from this number for technical support after contacting Dell

Dell Computers
Dell customer service it's just a big joke huston texas texas

Computers have you looked in your dell lately? Bogus parts incl. Ripoff

Dell Computers
Ripoff Round Rock Texas

Customer Service is Terrible

Dell Corporation
Cancel order please

Dell Computers
Is A Ripoff Dell Computers

Dell Customer Service
DELL service is a RIP-OFF - DELL service

Dell review - laptop