John D. Kendall
John David John D. Kendall SCAM ARTIST - strikes again

Health & Medicine

This guy advertises as a "Youth Pastor from Oklahoma" and hides behind God. As it was written in articles # 425581 and # 440402 he is really a scam artist. Together with his wife Kimberly they bought my business - a Hair Salon in Belleair Bluffs, Florida in May. He paid me only a down-payment of $5000 and he signed a Promissory Note that he will pay me $46,800.- in monthly payments. He took my business and in a few days he sold both both tanning beds leaving a big hole in the wall of the salon and he disappeared. He also sold or took with him most of supplies. He did not pay his employees, electric bill, water bill, phone bill or the rent. He lied to me about the rent. He said that the Landlord will not assign the lease to his name (not true). I am still responsible for paying the rent of $2,500.- every month till the end of the year 2010. So I had to pay $20,000 rent for May- December for the business that does not belong to me anymore. John David Kendall is his real name but all the time he was saying his name is John David. I found about his name at the bank, when he took over my business account. All together he owes me $66,800.- Now I have no money left to sue this guy. Only if I would find some local Lawyer who would get paid only if he would get some money from this thief - I could go for it. He ruined my life. Please - all of you - be very, very careful if you will ever meet this man.

Company: John D. Kendall
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Hudson
Address: 7312 Gulf Way
Phone: 3524425490
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