Prime Life Nutriceuticals
Ripoff dishonest break fraudulent contract

Health & Medicine

As an affiliate marketing agent finances are spent on advertising and driving traffic to a given August and September of Hoodithin earned nearly $100,000 due to the expenditure of thousands of my own money. At the end of the month, it is expected for the affiliate company to pay the comission due. This is not the case. Don Davidson of Hoodithin and Prime Life Neutricueticals has accused me of fraudulent clicks (Google and Yahoo reports fully verify that this is not the case). Since this didn't work, he threatened to trademark infringement. This is not the case either as the link found in the affiliate section was directly copied and pasted.

Company: Prime Life Nutriceuticals
Country: USA
State: California
City: Santa Barbara
Address: 5390 Overpass Rd #B
Phone: 3108229209
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