Esearchhoodia.info, BIGGEST SCAM EVER, STOLE MY MONEY! Ripoff, scam, garbage product, no refund, rude, false

Health & Medicine

Hoodithin.com is a big SCAM company including their ranking site researchhoodia.info where they list themselves on the top. I got their hoodithin extract and got a water in the bottle. I did send it back, they are refusing to honor their guarantee and give me my money back, saying they never got my return, I have Delivery confirmation!!!

They have many sites researchhoodia.info, hoodithin.com, hoodispray.com, perfectwoman.com so they can RIP OFF MANY fools like I am. Please BE VERY AWARE, hoodithin -RUDE, LIARS.

I am so MAD, I am out of $250.00!!! Hoodithin is a big scam!!!

Company: Hoodithin.com
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Marino
Phone: 8003106013
Site: hoodithin.com
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Ripoff - NO customer service - Charged wrong amount to card - NO PRODUCT DELIVERED - Money stolen!


Prime Life Nutriceuticals
Ripoff dishonest break fraudulent contract

Google Pro - Scam
GOOGLE PRO - Internetincomeinitiatize.com SCAM This company is a total SCAM and they are rude refused to give my money back and hung up on me!

Premier Benefits - Government Grant Info
Ripoff scam using your bank info indian accents fraudulent billing, St. Petersburg, & New York

Current Foreclosures
USA Foreclosure List I went to their web site to check it out. You have to give them ALL your info FIRST. After finding out the fee, I closed out of the site. Now I have been charged $39.88 for a months fee. They ref

Ripoff, scam

Scam, ripp-off, fraud, rude, hateful, name calling, refusing to give info

Consumer Report

Ed Hartwell
Rip Off, Scam, Fraud, Liar Plano Texas