And Emily Whittington

Internet & Web

This is about a client Emily Whittington making a fraudulent charge back for Google AdWords advertising services I rendered from March 6 - March 10.

On March 6th, I submitted a bid on a project at She asked me to contact her at her Yahoo ID: feelgd149. I added her to my MSN messenger.

That project on was deleted yesterday. Here's the link to the project poster's profile: If you google her Yahoo ID handle feelgd149, these results show up as Google cached her projects: Num=100&hl=en&newwindow=1&q=feelgd149&btnG=Search. She had an affiliate account with She was trying to earn commission if people signed up through her affiliate ads on Google AdWords. Here's her Affiliate link: secure. Cgi? Id=anderson24-first.

She hired me and transfered $100 that day asking me to set up the account on AdWords so I can pay for ads to be shown on Google search engine. She said to keep $20 for my management fees and the rest be applied towards advertising her affiliate business.

When the $100 were used up she sent another $100 the next day. I applied that towards Google advertising as well.

On March 10th I got an email from Paypal that Emily has claimed unauthorized activity and PayPal retunred 193.60 back to her leaving me with a negative balance on my account of $193.60. I feel it is unfair that I had to bear the burden of paying for the fraudulent charge backs for services I have provided. I am requesting Paypal to remove the negative balance amount as I did not do anything wrong and it is a unjust punishment for being a seller. Why do I have to pay for the buyer's fraudulent actvity? Since then no contact from Emily. She has completely disappeared off the Internet.

How can I get negative balance removed and account restored back to $0 balance?

Company: And Emily Whittington
Country: USA
State: Nebraska
City: Omaha
Address: P.O. Box 45950
Phone: 8882211161
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Google Adwords
Google Adwords advertising google Adwords advertising ripped me off on sponsored search advertising

Google Adwords
Google Advertising, Google, Google CPC, Google Paid Search Google Adwords - Unauthorized charges - overdraft fees, buyer BEWARE!

All Google Ads For Free
Sales Page totally deceptive. Google Ads are NOT FREE


Google adwords
Ads Not Running

Advance Telecom Inc
Fake iTunes website

Google Adwords
Google Adwords Stealing Money From Hard Working People

Google AdWords
Charges Credit Card for clicks and never signed up for adwords

HostGator Affiliate Program
Adam Bravman No longer paying out affiliate commissions

Google is worst