Alex Chiu
Immortality Rings Affiliate program was stopped with no warning!

Education & Science

Alex the thief used to run an affiliate program - you send clicks to his site, and you get his 'immortality rings' or other items mailed to you, depending on how many clicks you send.

I have sent a few hundred clicks to this site. I was owed 3 sets of rings, but after calling at least twice, I was finally sent 2 of them.

I figured I would just get the third one after I built some more clicks up - BUT after sending at least 150 more clicks their way, they decide to just end the affiliate program!

I emailed and asked for what I was OWED (they love to say that the rings are 'free', but last I checked sending traffic to a site is a form of WORK - so you are actually WORKING for the rings, they are not FREE).

I was ignored.

Alex and his partners are criminals, I want to report their activities to the FCC and the FTC to get them shut down permanently.

Company: Alex Chiu
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Hyattsville
Address: 3311 Toledo Terrace Suite #B201
Phone: 3018539500
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YP Clicks

City Grid Media
City Search Fraudulent computer generated clicks-bogus billing

Nielsen Research Group
Consumer Report
Stole my potential affiliate sales Internet

Bidvertiser Bpath
Offered 20.00 in free clicks, did not perform, then charged me 35.00

Google adwords
Overcharging - inaccurate clicks

Alex Chiu
Lied, cheated, stole total ripoff! San francisco

Commission Junction dba Valueclick
Commission Junction, Valueclick or Commission Junction is a COMPLETE SCAM!

Flash Template Design
Flash Template Design owes us money, won't address concerns or answer emails

Google Traffic Loophole by Alex Goad Scam
Is misleading customers and uses false advertising