Rooms to Go

Furniture & Equipment

I Bought a bunk bed for my son in mid June. I was told that it woulf be back ordered until July 30th (no problem) I gave the sales person my change of phone number since they had an incorrect one, paid cash and was on my way to run errands. July 29, no call. So I called them, they had the wrong # and never even tried my cel phone. Bed would be delivered on the 30th between 12-4.11:00 am they call and say the driver was in an accident and it would be between 4-10pm. 10 pm!!! Are you kidding me? Ok no problem. Well when they called at 8:30 that night and said it wouldn't be until tomorrow I was not happy. I called very upset and demanded my delivery fee be refunded. No one could do anything for me. Finally got a manager at the store on the phone who agreed to refund the delivery charge, but only after I had the bed in my possesion. That's when the stories started to change, it wasn't an accident the truck broke down. Then it was becausethe driver never showed up for work. Well I agreed to the next day delivery and felt that those of use who were being put off should be the first stops that day. Well, 10am and no call. So I called and was told by the store manager that my time was between 12-4 and I was to be be the first delivery. 4:30, no call or bed. Called manager again. He said they would be calling me with in the hour, delivery driver had some problems. At this point I was so ticked off I couldn't see straight. I asked for my money back and I didn't want the bed at all. The manager agreed So I went dpown to the strore to get it in writing. That's when he told me the driver decied to do the delivery list backwards and that's how I ended up last. HUH??? These guys don't work for you? You don't tell them which deliveries need to be first? Especially since you have a disgruntled customer? I had taken two days off work unpaid for this crap. Who is in charge? I have now ordered the bed from a different company, (it has already been shipped, will call me to deliver at a time easy for me even if it has to be a weekend FREE SHIPPING) I'll have to put the bed togehter myself now, but who cares, it's not like they have devlivery guys that can even find thier way out of a paper bag. I hate rooms to go and I have no idea whay anyone would buy from them. Half the time you don't get what you order (it took 4 devilery days and three months to get my dinning set right) and the damn "dispatch" people act like they are giving you thier first born child when you simply ask them to DO THIER JOBS!!!

Company: Rooms to Go
Country: USA
State: Louisiana
City: Baton Rouge
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The Brick
Delivery & Poor Customer Service

Rooms To Go
Delivery SUCKS ripoff

I want my Matresses

Rooms To Go

The Brick
Worse customer service and worse delivery service

Ashley Furniture HomeStore
No Manager Is Ever Availble To Help You After buying furniture ashley is not resposible for any delivery disputes

Sears delivery service middle man need to wake up!

Never shop at Conn's Appliances! - Invoice number #021398098-001

Customer service

Rooms To Go
Did not deliver furniture as promised Lead me on & wasted my time still sitting on living room floor!