Weight Watchers Sweet and Salty Bars
Food Item Pictured was not Food Item that was Delivered


I bought three containers of discontinued Weightwatchers Nice and Salty Cafes. The vendor employed an image of the discontinued cafes on her site. Nevertheless, after I obtained the cafes, she'd replaced the brand new Weight-Watchers "Oh, Therefore Almonds!" cafes that are offered at every Weight-Watchers meetiing website in a reduced cost. I taken care of the discontinued cafes, not the brand new bars which are easily available. She's still providing the "Nice and Salty" cafes on her site. This really is bogus marketing and it is extremely fraudulent.

Company: Weight Watchers Sweet and Salty Bars
Country: USA
State: California
City: Turlock
Site: ecrater.com
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Food Quality

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