Best Buy
Never delivered and not reiimbursed

Electronics and household app.

Later October I visited BestBuy store (Glendale CA (Store 183) and purchased 2 cases for my ipad, to be delivered to my hotel, since they did not have in stock. I was told (and it is written on the receipt) delivery within 4 days. That was time enought for my return to Italy. After a week I contacted BestBuy to ask about my package (spent 25$ in phone bill) to learn that the package was not even processed. I asked UPS, the delivery company, if I could change the delivery address and they said yes. I gave the address of a friend, in California and waited. It has been almost 2 months and no sign of the package. Not at the hotel, not at my friends. After several emails exchange with BestBuy and UPS, none was able to tell me what happened to the package. BestBuy wants me to chase it with UPS, who says the sender has to look at it. Nobody wants to take responsability. I want to be reimbursed for what I paid and never received. What should I do? I feel cheated, mistreated, disrespected.

Company: Best Buy
Country: USA
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Best Buy
Package Paid but not Delivered

BestBuy Co Inc
Worst customer service ever meet

Best Buy
Crazy Return Policy

Best Buy -
Best BUy Thanksgiving discount Fraud

Bestbuy, Lombard, IL
Ripoff and bad customer service

Best Buy Direct,
4 months of promises and no refund. I've been ripped off by a Fortune 500


Raised the APR, Due to Credit Report supposely I have a excellent credit report They were not willing to cooperate when I volunteered to show them my credit

Best Buy
Ripoff Costa Mesa California

Best Buy
BestBuy Ripoff Steals from YOU using their own return policy