Bill fraud Internet

Electronics and household app.

I have been with t mobile for years, i have a phone account and a internet card, never any problem, well the last two months they have charged me over 2,000.00 for the internet!!! Wow!!! I am a consruction worker and a mom that does not down load anything, watched one movie eairly april, i was shocked in eaily april and paid them 2,207.91 thinking i made some kind of a mistake, now i erased all... I had 5mb and they told me they made a ajustment to 10mb, now i have talked to three different peolpe Eric, Prince and Francisco and got so many difference reports from them, and just got another e mail saying i owe them 2,207.91, i have good credit and this is too much for me

Company: T-mobile
Country: USA
Site: tmobile.com
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T Mobile Wireless Internet
4G Wireless Slower Than Dial Up!

T-mobile.com, T-mobile Wireless Internet Service Cost Me Over $350 for Crappy Service Purchased Online

Virgin Mobile
Targets Kids With Porn Sites After Promising To Block All Internet Access

T-mobile cut off my service 4/2, after i paid my bill ON TIME the week before. I refused to pay for $13 for supposed Internet use. When i told the rep i hadn't used it he basically called me a li Internet

Ripoff End their service pay the last bill they come back for more

Cellular stores
Whereismyorder.com my credit card was charged 200 after I allowed my grandson to make a 9.00 purchase that was later returned because there is no t-mobile service in this area and im sure they knew this already

T-Mobile Promo
Consumer Report

Fraud Wi-fi free minute feature

My 3 mobile services
Vodafone Hutchison Australia Pty Ltd for months have over charged me for my three mobile internet services, admitted that they were wrong, and will only give my a small percentage of the money back. They tried charging me for using an i queensland

T-Mobile USA
Fraud and lies!