Verizon Wireless
Ude&no help

Electronics and household app.

1-they've people call to to market you support? Next you go to the store to fix what they send you know one whats to understand you! They push you aside to take care of anyone buying today!!! Contact the customer line with no support keep these things go to the recording to know for them-self they said no why do they report us it is a oneway road.

I had been told alot about the oder and none was true with no aid

2- the supervisor maintain leaving me to assist others. There's far more

Company: Verizon Wireless
Country: USA
State: New York
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Verizon FIOS
Over billing / bad contract

Verizon Phone Services
Poor customer service and tech support!

Verizon Wireless
Misleading advice, nasty people

Verizon Wireless
Verizon Wireless treats military personell like dirt Ripoff Ocala Florida

Verizon Wireless
Consumer Report

Scam charges!

Verizon FIOS
Doesn't get any help

Verizon Wireless
Once you are in a contract they really do not care about customer satisfaction

Verizon Wireless
Customer Service & Supervisors Erased all my contacts & kept me on the phone & computer for 9 1/2 Hours.internet Internet Cutomer service & Technical Support

Danbury, CT store
Manager: Alex