Verizon Wireless
Customer Service & Supervisors Erased all my contacts & kept me on the phone & computer for 9 1/2 Hours.internet Internet Cutomer service & Technical Support

Electronics and household app.

Saturday 11/25/06, I spent 9 1/2 hours on the phone with Verizon wireless techs, managers, supervisors and customer service reps. I tried to explain that my Treo 700 W was not working properly but instead of listing to me they told me to preform a Hard Reset. This hard reset earased all my 204 contacts, fax #'s, emails, calander & appointments. After 9 1/2 hours and earasing all my information they finally agreed my phone was broken. I was told I would have to wait 2 business days before receiving my replacement phone. I explained to all the supervisors that I could not wait that long because I had a magazine that I had to send to the printer on Monday & Tuesday and that I could possibly lose $2,800 dollars in business. I asked if they could call the local Verizon Wireless store and see if they could give me a new phone instead of waiting until Tuesday. The customer service supervisor (Danell) told me " that unless she was hit by a bus on the way to work tomorrow that I would hear back from her in regards to picking up the phone on Sunday at the store". I never received a call back. Today is Monday and I am stressing out big time, because I can not get a hold of my clients. From 11:30am to 8:30pm Saturday I was on the phone with these idoits who erased all my information and they can't even call me back or offer any sort of compensation. People who are reading this might say, why didn't you active sync or wireless sync all your information before doing the hard reset? My answer to those people are we tried for 9 1/2 hours before their staff could fiqure out the phone wasn't operating properly to active sync or wireless sync. I just hope anyone who is considering buying a Verizon phone or signing up for a package with Verizon, thinks twice before doing so. These guy's have possible cause me to lose up $2,800.

Company: Verizon Wireless
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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