Best Buy
Reduced Credit Limit

Electronics and household app.

From a customer who will no longer shop at Best Buy...

Not sure I will even receive a response to this email, but I thought someone at Best Buy would like to know that they have lost "another" customer for life,

I believe that CEO Brian Dunn, whom I actually met in 2000 while working for Best Buy when the Whitehall, PA Best Buy was a part of the SOP2 expansion, would like to know about this type of experience...

Up until this past weekend I have always enjoyed working and shopping at your store. As my life and career has evolved, I have continued shopping at Best Buy while using my Best Buy card as my primary means of purchase. I have purchased many things, computers, laptops, TV's, phones, etc.

This past October, I paid off my entire Best Buy Credit Card (HSBC) balance of over $2000 in full. I also spent approximately $500 this past Christmas as I had some open credit to now play with; leaving my with about $1400 of open credit available.

The reason for this message is because just as I was about to spend at least $1400 on a washer and dryer at your store using the available credit on my Best Buy card (and 18 months financing), to include the purchase of a new TV in the same $1400 price range (with out of pocket cash), I found that my credit limit had been reduced from $2000 to $605.

I found this interesting considering I just bought a home with a $417K loan, to include my Jared Credit Card having its credit limit increase from $2K to $3000K.

I am amazed that when I called about why this decrease occurred, I simply informed I will receive a letter in 7-10 business days informing me of why this decrease occurred.

How is it that my bank was more than happy to lend me almost half a million dollars for my new home, yet Best Buy decided to DECREASE my $2000 credit limit to $605, a mere $20 over my current balance; especially considering my track record of paying off this very Best Buy card in full just last October (a $2K payoff).

With that said, this unwarranted decrease in my credit limit has resulted in Best Buy losing over $1400 in appliances sales and yet another $1400 in TV sales, purchases that were literally set to be this weekend.

Unfortunately for Best Buy, all of my future purchases will now go elsewhere. I have tried to stay loyal throughout the years, but I apparently will have to join the growing trend of consumers who window shop at Best Buy, and then make my purchase elsewhere at a lower price...


Lost Customer... Aka... Lost revenue for Best Buy

Steve Wade

Company: Best Buy
Country: USA
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Sears/Citibank Credit Card
Credit Limit Decreased-No Prior Notification

Home Depot
Credit Limit Decrease

HSBC Card Services
Dishonorable Company Salinas California

Providian - WAMU Credit Card Services
Providian - Washington Mutual Credit Card Services This credit card company is a rip-off They raise your limit and then when you charge on it they lower your limit, thus charging you over limit fees for credit you thought you already had Texas

Hsbc - Credit Cards -
Hsbc - - Credit Cards - un-announced and un warranted credit limit decreases

Implorable customer service! Do not use macys charge

They have lost a loyal customer for life

Hsbc credit card services
Capitol One Lowered Credit Limit On A Maybe

Old Navy
Unnotified Credit Card Limit Decrease

Lowered credit limit from $5,000 to $1,350! Spring House Pennsylvania