Beware of old mechanise that is new but out of date.internet

Electronics and household app.

I have a 2011 Hyundia Sant Fe with Bluetooth.orginally the only phone that would work from T-Mobile was a G1 HTC T-Mobile HTC G1 Android Google Cell Phone The only place I could find one was at Amazon. About two months after the warrient expired the paint on the bottom of the phone start peeling and cracking down to the raw metal. Also the battery will not hold a charge. THe phone get very little use. This brings up an additionl the fact Hyundia is selling Cars with old techknolwlogy and T-Mobile is not providing customer with current phone. The only phones the will work in a Sant Fe are obsolete. They are forcing customers to go to high end providers like AT7T, Verison, Sprint Buyer be wear.

Company: Amazon
Country: USA
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Hyundia Cars
Ripoff crappy cars Hyundia refuses to stand by their product and warranty H

Sprint mobile makes me sad - Sprint mobile phone provide

T Mobile
Android 2.2.1 upgrade T mobile froyo upgrade crippled my phone

More service - T Mobile Customer service

Cell Phone Fraud - Sold our number to T-Mobile

Ripoff No service

Virgin Mobile merged with Sprint

T Mobile
Consumer Report

Will rip you off

Boost Mobile
SPRINT MOBILE SUBCONTRACTOR we bougth a droid phone, 3G, cost like 300 hundred dollars and always has problems, they don't help you in the store and customer service does not have training in the phones