Home Depot
Home depot reviews - Customer Service

Electronics and household app.

The last 3 or 4 times that I have gone to Home Depot I had to leave empty handed because there was no one available to help me. I needed help getting something down from a high shelf and customers aren't allowed to use the fork lifts. The other times I was shopping for lumber, 20 bags of mulch and light fixtures. Each time I was told that due to the economy they had cut back on staff and therefore no one was available to help customers. The economy isn't going to get any better at Home Depot if they can't sell anything. Luckily Menard's is fully staffed and has been able to help each time. Please note that I am not a contractor, I am a single middle aged female, the purchases were for my own home. One of the sales people told me to come back with my husband so he could help me. Is it 2010? I guess they didn't know that women are allowed to buy homes with out a husband now!

Company: Home Depot
Country: USA
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