Dish Network
Dish Sucks

Electronics and household app.

We had Dishnetwork for a couple of years. Signed up for an international package that required a Super Dish in addition to a regular Dish.initial installation was a pain in the neck. Took a couple of trips (one for each Dish), several interminable phone calls, wait all afternoon for some contractor in a Datusn to show up the usual bullsh*. Naturally, we're charged a hefty amount for all of this premium service.

Couple of months ago, we start having severe problems with reception. Local channels going out all the time, for hours at a time, with a misleadingly upbeat error message. (Don't call us; we're aware of the problem and we're working on it!) So we call several times to complain. After several complaints, Dish grudgingly agrees to extend us the courtesy of sending a technician out to take a look at no charge to us! Yippee, we're in Dish Heaven.

So the Dish guy comes out and pokes around on the roof. Comes down and explains that our neighbor has been wired in to our two satellite dishes. Say what? We ask. Yeah, he explains, some Dish contractor came out and wired up our neighbor to piggy-back off of the satellite dishes that we paid for. Our answer is simple: Unplug the guy. Can't do that, Dish Guy tells us. I'm not authorized to go unplug paying customers. Here's a phone, we answer, call 1-800-Dishnetwork and get authorization. Dish Guy says he can't do that, but he will fix our service. So he fiddles around, says our service is just fine, and that he will follow up to have our neighbor disconnected.

Problem resurfaces soon after the guy leaves. I call up and yell at some people at Dish, lose 1 hours out of work day and can't get anything resolved. Aristotle at the wrong end of an 800 number wants to give me a lesson epistemology. (How do we know that it was a Dish representative who installed your Dish?) Tough job market for philosophy PhDs.

We call several more times, waste hours on phone and can't get problem resolved. So my wife agrees to sacrifice the obscure foreign language package (only available through Dish) so that we gave leave this hell. The cable company has an offer running and its service can't be any worse that this.

Now Dish is charging me, of course, for their terrific service. Typical shakedown.

Company: Dish Network
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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