Terrible company

Electronics and household app.

I have lost count of how many times I have contacted t-mobile concerning this issue, but I assure you that I am so far beyond frustrated, there isn't a word to properly describe it.

I have found that t-mobile has slyly added excess charges to my bill in the past, so I have become very wary and attentive to my statements before I pay my bill. I have been unable to access my current statement for the last three months, and my account currently has excess charges posted to it.

All I’m asking t-mobile to do is to provide me access to my current statement online, as they are supposed to do, or to send me paper statements in a timely manner (as in no later than 5 days after my billing cycle closes) without charging me more money for that too.

I am completely fed up with the extreme level of abuse and mistreatment I have received from t-mobile.

I will begin letting the world know now.

So far, these are the problems I have regularly with t-mobile:

1) my account has been unjustly limited to "written correspondence only", and t-mobile refuses to provided any type of evidence or reason for this excessively prejudice action.

2) t-mobile continues to add excess miscellaneous charges to my account, and when I have asked for these charges to be verified, they conveniently tell me the system is down, or that part of the system isn’t working, or let me transfer you to that department, whereupon I get disconnected.

3) t-mobile has not allowed me to access my current statement online for the last three months, thus not allowing me to determine the source of excess charges on my account.

4) A representative of t-mobile had recently called a family members house repeatedly, demanding to speak to me, or telling them they are in violation of the law, and must notify me immediately. These phone calls happened at various times of the day and night, and the agents were always rude, forceful, and refused to listen to any type of reason.

5) t-mobile sold me a device (t-mobile dash aka htc s620), and this device has never functioned correctly. They continued to offer me advanced exchanges, with a total of eight exchanges to date, but refused to send me a device that worked correctly, or to send me a different device without losing many of these features I use on the dash.

6) t-mobile continues to abuse and mistreat me by ignoring my requests to see my current statement, to verify excess charges on my bill, to justify or provide any type of evidence for the ridiculous limitations they have placed on my account, and they continue to harass me and my family members about a device that doesn’t exist, and about account issues that are not accurate.

I have always paid my bill on time, been polite and courteous with agents who were polite or courteous to me; I have tolerated some of the stupidest people on the planet when speaking some representatives of t-mobile, including people in the technical support department.

I have been run to the end of my rope, and I will no longer ask politely for t-mobile to do the right thing.

All I want is to be treated with the same tolerance, respect, and honour that I have treated t-mobile with.

Company: T-Mobile
Country: USA
Site: t-mobile.com
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