Dishonest liars thieves

Electronics and household app.

In December of last year, we added more minutes to our T-mobile plan. We were going over and required more. A few months later, we started having overages again. When we reviewed our bill, we realized that mobile-to-mobile had been removed from our plan. We never asked for this to take place. When we called and asked about it, we were told that there was nothing they could do because we did not notice it within 60 days of the change. We never questioned the bill until we started getting overages again. They told us that they would add it from that point on. The following month we had the problem again. They still had not added it back on. This time they were willing to correct the mistake. We reported them to the Better Business Bureau. They then told us the same bull again that we didn't catch it within 60 days so they would not fix it. Then they had the nerve to claim we refused to have it added again when we called to question the first problem, but that they generously would let us keep the refund that we weren't really entitled to. We requested to hear the recording where we asked to have it removed in the first place and then when we refused to have it added later on. They would not cooperate. They won't show us any proof. All we get from them is what they "say" happened. They would not refund our money and they still had the nerve to act like they were doing us a favor. So basically, T-mobile has the right to add and remove services to your account, without permission. If you don't catch it within 60 days, you're screwed. Do not use t-mobile. They are completely DISHONEST and will screw you over if they can.

Company: T-Mobile
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Bellevue
Phone: 8009378997
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