Atlas Communications Dish Network
Installation nightmare - three times and still not done over a year ago. Drilled hole in new roof and refuses to come out and caulk it

Electronics and household app.

I switched to Dish Network because I thought I would save some money. The first installer came in and I made sure that he knew I had dogs that were not to be let out. The installer had me secure the dogs in different areas so he could do his job. All of a sudden, he left without saying anything and I noticed that the dogs had got out of my back yard. He had to have noticed because he closed the gate. He had left the box open and other wires and things left on the ground. Since then I had to have two other installers come out and fix what he started.

I have paid, more than I was told by the way, on time as agreed. A Hillsborough County Representative came out and said that they forgot to close the permit on my new roof and said that the person that drilled the whole didn't close or caulk the whole so I have a problem that needs to be attended to.

I called Dish Network and got the run around. I finally got switched over to their Damages Department. I left two messages and then finally called back and talked to someone live. Of course, he said that he talked to someone at the house which there isn't any one else here so I knew it wasn't good news. They said because it is over a year ago they didn't have to come out and fix it. I have sent an email to the top people that I can find to see if they can help me and of course, no response.

I am urging people to understand that this company doesn't care aobut anything else but getting your money. Their service and their customer service stinks and is overpriced. I am waiting for my contract to be up and in the meantime, calling my attorneys. I am grateful for my pre-paid legal service. I am also making a formal complaint to the State of Florida and Attorney General. If you feel these might help you, email me and I can forward you the information.

Company: Atlas Communications Dish Network
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Provo
Address: 3520 N. University Ave. Suite #350
Phone: 8774903474
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