Atlas Communications - DISH Network
Atlas Communications In Conjunction With DISH Network Scam Artists: Deceptive sales tactics, threats and lies ripoff

Electronics and household app.

On August 8, we were greeted with a door-to-door salesman, Mason with Atlas Communications. Mason explained that he was an affiliate of DISH Network and spoke of the great promotional deals they were offering. We decided to switch providers, paid him $49.99 for installation, and two days later we had an installer ready to make the changes.

Upon completion of the satellite installation, we soon discovered that the package "deal" we were promised was not that at all. We were paying much more per month, fewer channels, and instead of the promotional savings lasting 20 months now changed to 10 months.

After dealing with an Atlas Customer Service Rep., we were forced to cancel our satellite services.

I received a telephone call today from another Atlas Rep, Jannelle, who informed me that we were to box all the equipment and leave outside for UPS pick up. I explained to her that I was not an experienced satellite installer and did not feel comfortable climbing on my roof and dismantling a piece off the dish. She then explained that this was their property and if I did not return everything and pay the cancellation fee, then matters would be submitted to collections.

Even after I explained the contradicting paperwork we received from their reps., the reply was, "Well how do we know you just didn't change the paperwork?".

This experience has taught me a lesson: NEVER do business with Atlas Communications. If a business provides services based on good ethics and morals, there would be no need for these handwriten pieces of junk they call contracts. Who would have thought a week's worth of satellite television would end up costing me over $600.

I have refused to pay any future bill I receive from Atlas and DISH Network and a potential civil suit may be in the near future if my credit report is affected by these unethical practices.

Company: Atlas Communications - DISH Network
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Provo
Address: 3520 N. University Dr, Suite #350
Phone: 8774903474
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Atlas Communications Systems, Inc
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