RCA, Thomson
RCA, Thomson Poor product and terrible customer service

Electronics and household app.

I received a Lyra RD2765A MP3 Player in December as a Christmas gift. I was informed that is was reasonably priced, massive hard drive, 5GB, for a portable hard drive player and the sound was supposed to be fantastic.

For the first couple of months it was great then one day in April I turned the player on to read the error, "File System Corrupted." I tried to correct; new firmware and reformat the player, to no avail. I contacted customer service (CS) on 8 April who suggested the same while on the phone with them. Neither attempt at correction worked. I was asked to package the unit and send in for a replacement.

Less than two (2) weeks later I receive the new unit, lasts for six (6) days and I see the same error message as before, "File System Corrupted." Again I contact CS, obviously there is a problem with this particular model, at least that is what I assumed and voice to CS when speaking with them again. They request I package and send back for replacement. Mind you, all on my own nickel.

Mid to late May I receive a second unit via mail, but my third unit overall from this company. I remove it from the package, I turn it on and what do I read, to my utter dismay, "File System Corrupted." I hadn't even plugged in this unit nor had I connected to my computer; another CS call. Another package and mail to Texas. Another unit received, my third overall.

I'm now definitely convinced that Thomson makes a poor product and I'm learning that they have some of the worst CS I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with in life.

The third won't even charge, CS, mail to Texas, a fourth unit received. When this final unit was received and I had problems I told Thomson that I no longer wanted the unit, that I no longer wanted to deal with them, that I would like a refund so that I could purchase a working unit with a completely different company.

Way back in April I had explained to CS that I didn't have a receipt, that it had been a Christmas gift. The 90 day warranty had expired with the store of purchase, the information I did have. CS says that is not a problem the process would begin for my refund, it would take 6-8 weeks before I receive a check.

Seven (7) weeks pass and I reluctantly contact CS once again. I learn that the process had never begun as indicated so may weeks prior. "We need the unit sir." "I don't have the unit!" "Well we need the unit in order to process." "Well why was that never stated seven weeks ago?" It's back and forth until I speak with Ian who states that, "We can process the claim without the unit. You will receive payment in the amount of 30% MSRP, about $100, give or take, but much less than the $229 I was told was spent in December.

"Just process the claim!" I scream. "Okay sir, you will receive a call in five (5) days, I promise. If not, you can call and speak with me directly. When I tell someone they will receive a call they do." Ofcourse I never received that call and when speaking with CS again It begins anew from the very beginning with the left hand not having a clue what the right hand is doing or has done.

It is now 19 September and I don't have the unit (s) nor have I received a refund of any sorts. CS states the same rhetoric constantly, "We need the unit, " "We have no record of ever receiving the unit, " "I have no idea why you were told you would receive a check, " "Ian, sir there is no Ian that works in this office, at this number."

This has been one of the most difficult and exasperating situations i have ever dealt with. All I want is a refund. I'm sick and tired of all the apologies and script reading; placating is more like it.

They make a horrific piece of equipment, refuse to admit it and string you along when contacting CS, I assume, in a hope that the consumer will cease calling.

Atlanta, Georgia

Company: RCA, Thomson
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Marietta
Address: PO Box 671988
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