Sprint PCS
Charges cancellation fees to the deceased

Electronics and household app.

I am currently handling the estate of my mother whom passed away last month. I contacted Sprint last month to determine the total amount due and to cancel the account. I did a payment over the phone for payment that was due as of that date and was told I would not be charged for the next months payment. I would certainly hope I would not be charged for the following months payment. I confirmed with the representative that the account was settled and the service was cancelled. I wrote this off of my long list of debts to settle..

To my surprise, I received a cancellation bill this month addressed to the estate of my mother for $170.12. I am amazed that this cell phone company, and probably many others would charge the cancellation fee in the event of death of the customer. I consider myself an ethical and moral individual and agree that cancellation fees are placed in the service agreements for justified reasons. However, charging a cancellation fee when the customer has died is out right unethical and immoral.

It would have been nice if the CSR would have advised me of this when I spoke with them. I understand CSR's make mistakes, but I would assume it is more probable that the CSR did not advise me of the cancellation fee, as he did not feel comfortable telling me this. Would you? I sure would not want to have to tell the deceased executor they have to pay a cancellation fee due to death of the customer.

I guess this just goes to show the type of corporate greed we have to deal with here in the United States of America. Pinching penny's from the dead even... Like my mom had a choice... I would really like to hear the moral and ethical reasoning behind this. I'll guarantee you there is no MORAL or ETHICAL justification for this. It is GREED driven!

I would like the CEO and investors of Sprint to ask themselves if they would like the media to tell America that they charge cancellation fees in the event of death of the customer. Ofcourse they wouldn't... They don't even address this type of event in their service agreement. I guess they figure you would not have to worry about it, it will obviousley be someone elses problem...

I guess I could have paid the $40.19 for the next 12 months to satisfy the last year of the service agreement. That would not have made sense, but I am sure Sprint PCS would have gladly accepted payments on a cell phone for a year that was not even turned on.

I probably would have felt better about satisfying the terms of the service agreement, although I would not have been using the service. I bet they might reinstate the service for me if I called them and told them I was not aware I would be charged a cancellation fee and would rather just pay the monthly bill for another 12 months... I am seriosy considering calling them and asking them this. If I do, I will post the outcome on this site. What a joke...

Company: Sprint PCS
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Site: sprintpcs.com
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