Verizon Wireless - GTE
Double Charges Monthly Atlanta Georgia Dallas Texas

Electronics and household app.

I opened an account after a minor discrepancy with my previous carrier and made the huge mistake of switching to Verizon.

My previous Provider plan with (i will refer to as Company A.)
Company A. Was $112.00 a month consistently. For 3 years.

My plan was for two phones @ 1400 minutes with wireless internet
& unlimited nights and weekends.

After signing up with Verizon with same promoted plan starting at $89.00 a month for the same service. I have been consistently Billed at the rate of 255.00 per month
(keep in mind we have never exceeded 1 minute of service in six months).

Why did I pay this amount? Verizon tells there custmers after they pay there bill that they are prorating there bill for next month & thats why the ill is so high.

Then they immediately send you another bill. Basically a smoke and mirrors trick. Then if you complain that you have already paid for the two months they explain this is the next billing cycle and you have untill the end of the month to pay this next $255.00. They basically the Tony Soprano of phone companies. A really nice guy and never flinches when he is twisting your arm.

Another policy at verizon is to disallow the customer to speaking to anyone other than the customer sevice representative.
There is no higher level escalation or Manager support.
They simply refute absolutely everying and tell you that you will just have to pay these charges or they will turn off your sevice. Dont be late with a payment after several months of having sevice with this provider or they will call you incessently & demand paymentor your service will be turn off.

I think a better comparison would be a pimp and his hoes. He beats the hell out of you, asks you for money, and refuses to let you go anywhere.By the tail end of my FIVE MONTHS of SERVICE I have spent easily $1500 and I have had to block all Wireless Internet access, Text Messaging & the rest. I have never spent more than 1400 dollars a year for the other phones with unlimited

To sum it up Verizon seems to rule by Domination & Submission of there customers. They are the biggest for a reason.

Company: Verizon Wireless - GTE
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: Atlanta, GA- Dallas, TX
Phone: 8009220204
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