Best Buy
Ripoff Stereo. Should be WorstBuy

Electronics and household app.

My son received a 3disc changer phillips stereo for christmas. The CD player never worked. My sister bought the player for him aand paid cash for it. Her receipt didn't have all the appropriate information on it because when she purchased it the
paper ran out. So you can't read it. So I took the sterio in to be traded or fixed at the Rockford Store. I was told they
couldn't do anything because there is no receipt. I am so upset this was so unprofessional. I asked if they could fix it and
they told me there was nothing they could do because it is up to the customer to have a legiable receipt. This is probably true
but; customers are what make their business run. I left the
stereo there and told them keep it. It doesn't do my son any goodif it doesn't work!!! Once again Best Buy doesn't stand
behind there products.

Rockford, Illinois

Company: Best Buy
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Rockford
Address: State Street
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Boww Down Auto Sound
BOWW DOWN AUDIOSOUND - Bought a used stereo did not work then tried a second one that did not work no refunds after cash changed hands

Faulty ellectronics and Refund Practices GAsavannah

Stereo City
Ripoff consumer fraud ripoff

Rent A Center
Scam and cheating

Sweepstakes Clearing House
Ripoff dishonest fradulent billing overchargeing customers

Aol rebate ripoff! Kept asking for original receipt, which was sent to them without it how did they know to contact me about the rebate

Best Buy
Ripoff, stole my stock stereo and wont replace it
I paid for a 256 MP3 player & they sent me a broken 128 for same price Purchase

Stupid return policy Ripoff