First Consumers National Bank

Education & Science

I filed bankruptcy about one (1) year ago. Everything has gone well since. I purchased a new vehicle, etc. I have attributed this to my separation and pending divorce. My credit history prior to my wife was great. I received an offer from First Consumers National Bank out of Beaverton, OR. Sounded like a great offer, reestablish your credit. Great.

In good faith I paid the $45.00 deposit with a 300.00 credit limit. Since I have founded my self actively monitoring their account to avoid any service or late fees. I have spend many of dollars overniting envelopes to Consumers to avoid the $35.00 late fee. However, even with all my documented tracking slips of signed receipt from FEDEX they have continued to charge me late fees.

I only get paid so many times per month, and unfortunately, not been the same as their posting process. I understand, based on inquires with other vendors, that the Federal Law requires credit card payments to be posted to the account on the same dated of receipt. However, I am only one person. I want my money back. I do not and would not recommend this organization. I have tried to call their Customer Service regarding my recent payment, confirmation of receipt, however the line has been busy all day.

And today, I received a notice that my card is cancelled as of March 7. Is it something I did? I feel like I am working for these people. I hope they go out of business. If I ran my business like they did, well, I would be living in the streets. Sorry for the long documentary, hope it was interesting.


Company: First Consumers National Bank
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Beaverton
Address: 9300 SW Gemini Dr
Phone: 8008763262
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First Consumers National Bank
Registering untrue negative entry on my credit report/file, I have never dealt with this Company, ripoff

FCNB, First Consumers National Bank
Bogus over the limit fees and late charges! Consumer fraud ripoff

First consumers national bank
First Consumers National Bank fraudulent ripoff billing Portland

First Consumers National Bank
Rip-off Termination of Charging Privileges

First Consumers National Bank
Ripoff/confusion chosen to only have FCNB credit card - I feel very used and misled

First Consumers National Bank
Fcnb, biggest ripopp ever

First Consumers National Bank
Ripoff I paid a $250.00 security deposit to get a $500.00 credit limit The company went bankrupt and will not allow my $250 as final payment I have to pay a $35.00 late charge every month now

First Consumers National Bank
Holds Payments That Come In Close To Late Fee, refuse to accept electronic payment Date, NY & Omaha, NE Nebraska

First Consumers National Bank
Ripoff outlandish ripoff late fees victimized many consumers

First Consumers National Bank
FCNB ripoff, overcharge, lie, steal, bad business, credit card, scam, fraud