Loan To Learn And Van Ru Credit Corp
Loan to learn turned me into van ru after they quit sending the bills Buffalo New York

Education & Science

I was a loan to learn customer. The monthly payment was 48.00. I paid it every month that they sent a bill. All of a sudden the bills quit coming.

Repeated attempts to the company netted nothing. The next thing I knew is my account has been turned over to van ru. Van ru wanted the whole amount ASAP! I only owed 3000 dollars and was only 3 months behind.

I believe that loan to learn and van ru are working together to screw their customers. This is the way van ru makes most of its money. Trying to scare everyone into believing that they will take them to court and garnish their wages.

Company: Loan To Learn And Van Ru Credit Corp
Country: USA
Phone: 8663987741
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Financial Asset Management Systems
Company charges interest in excess of $10000 on a student loan

Van Ru Credit

Cash Call
So much for a loan to help you when you are in need. Ripoff

Liberty Financial
Inc Loan Ripoff! Paid 'collateral' fee, and NEVER Heard from them again!

Household Finance Corp
Did this to me. Don't let them do this to you!

Took out a loan for $200.00 it costed me over $700 for a loan of $200.00 go figure?

Loan Port UK
Consumer Report

Chase Bank
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Wyndham Professionals

Tasc Incorporation
This company keeps calling and sending me emails about me owing them $920.00 for a loan I never knew nothing about. They are claiming to take me to court and garnish my check if I dont respond back to