Cash Call
So much for a loan to help you when you are in need. Ripoff

Business & Finance

I needed a loan I do not make any money at my job CashCall was on tv and i thought maybe this would be a good company to try and get a loan from. I borrowed $2500 and i owe like almost $3000 because of interest and late charges and i really did not read the fine rint i never would have gone through with trying to get the loan. It said i had 2 years to pay it off so i thought i would be fine because i really needed that money. I called and told them i could not make my first payment. I was scraping change just to live because of my job and my pay. Then came the harassing phone calls i was extremely honest telling them i had no money and that i knew i owed them money but they still kept calling and even yelling and cursing at me on the phone. So much for being honest.

I cant make any payments because of my job and the money i make. Anyhow they have already taken me to court and won they want me to pay likw $150 dollars a paycheck i make like $300 every two weeks how can i pay them that? I know since i got the paperwork my wages will be garnished but i was told that in california they can only take 25% of my check? I just wanna cry im trying to get out of my low paying job but i have no choice but to work where im working right now because a job is a job.

I am afrid now that i wont even have a paycheck because in the court paperwork it says about the $150 dollars they want a paycheck how can they get away with that? That is so wrong. I never should have gotten the loan i was basically living on the streets and i needed that loan to pay for my motel until i got a place of my own. It makes me sad that a company can treat people like they are nothing just because they need money. I do not know what to do. I will never be able to get ahead on my bills especially if CashCall is taking half of my check out.

I know that i owe them money but i believed that the loan was a 2 year loan and that i had 2 years to pay it off. It had only been 6 months and they took me to court i did not go because my job does not pay me to take days off to go to court. I will read the fine print next time because this is wrong and now i see im not the only one that this company has done this to. What am i to do? I am going to lose every check i have until this loan is paid off and then some because the interest does keep adding up. Please i need some advice and i hope that someone reads my report and can see what an awful company CashCall is.

Company: Cash Call
Country: USA
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Ripoff 5000 dollar loan with a 60 percent interest it's what they don't tell you


Don't fall for cash call. It will ruin your life

Suing me

Cash Call
Ripoff loan sharks anaheim

CashCall Inc
Legalized loan sharking and harrassment! Ripoff

Cash Call
Awful, awful, awful

Extremely high

Cash Call, Inc
Too bad I did not read these warnings before I knew what thieves and liars they were. Told me this was a "simple interest" loan (LIE)! I have been paying on a $2500 loan for over one year and still owe

CashCall Inc
Harrassed and ticked off Anaheim