Took out a loan for $200.00 it costed me over $700 for a loan of $200.00 go figure?


I took out a loan for $200.00, every other week they took out of my account $60.00, for the first two moths, then it was $40.00 and $60.00 on the same day they took out of my account. Two weeks later $110.00 and two weeks later $90.00. And i went to my bank and put a hold on that acct. It cost me $36.00.By the way sometimes they would cause me overdrafts, cause they didnt take it out on a regular basis. They were to take it out on the same day every other week so i thought.

Any way i emailed them to contact me asap, never heard from them, i called them first time no answer, second time finally got someone, and they said i still owed them $145.00 to pay off the loan. I got sick and tired of dealing with them, my bankl told me to pay it off and be done with them and i did just that. My mistake for taking out the loan to begin with! Will not ever do that again for any online loan!!!

For a $200.00 loan it cost me right around $700.00 an expensive lesson i wish on nobody ever. Take it from me. Just learn to get by on what you earn from your paychecks. My advice to you all thinking about taking a loan from online. If you do check it out thouroughly!!

Company: 500fastcash
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 500 fast cash
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