Design Savers Plan
No Contact Aurora Colarado

Education & Science

I am reporting this against design savers plan as not contacting me at all, i have sent several emails and called them which in turn the operater that took the call said they would contact me as to which they did not contact me the same day that i called or the next day they did not contact me, i am trying to contact them as that they had been billing my mothers checking account since 12/06 of last year when i first opened the account in that time frame i have never received any type of bill or letters stating that she was being billed for it or even a letter or something to let me know that i was being billed for the insurance, i dont exactly know how they run there company but normally a company would send out a letter or billing invoice to let a person know what is going on i had called before i knew about the bing asking them if i still had the insurance which in turn they said i did, but i have never once received any thing from them letting me know how it was being payed for also i am cancelling the account which inturn they havent replyed back to me and now i owe my mother over $500.00 for them billing her since last year which was not approved by me or her in them billing her checking account again i never received any type of letter or bill stating fothem to approve them to automatically bill her checking account if it is any way possible i would like a written letter stating that the insurance has been canceled and also possibility on a refund from the time the insurance started till now because i will no longer pay for the insurance if they are going to continue doing this. I will put a stop on them billing her so if the bank can have some sort of letter stating that why they had billed her for so long and that the insurance has been cancelled the bank will reimburse my mother for them billing her.

Company: Design Savers Plan
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8006165709
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Carnet insurance agency
Carnet insurance agency rip off to costumers, very unprofessional

Montifiore Billing Department
Montifiore Medical Center Billing Department Incorrectly billed

Clarient, Inc
I'll have to ask my physician to NEVER send specimens to them again

Utah Valley Emergency Physicians Inc
Billing people are dishonest and rude

Kaplan College, Kaplan University, Kaplan Higher Education
Kaplan college, kaplan university, kaplan higher education stole my deposit when i found out that they were not reputable


American Life And Health Insurance - Design Savers Plan
Ripoff, Misleading advertising. They are not an insurance company. They are not here to help you

Take Care Health
Incompetent and Fraudulent Billing Department

Liberty Medical Supply
They will turn you over to collections without ever billing you

Ocwen federal bank
Interest & insurance rip-off