Leasecomm Corporation
Convinced me to buy a sign to promote business. Idea failed. Now they want to garnish

Education & Science

This company convinced me to purchased a sign from them in order to promote business, even though I stated that the business would be closing soon.
Out of desperation I was finally convinced to invest in this sign. It did not help promote business. I'm still held responsible to pay the bill 10 years later. The company has garnished my wages for one year and six months. The bill is paid now, but the company continues to garnish my wages. I want these people out of my pocket. I didn't agree with the garnishment because I wasn't warned ahead of time or anything. However I remember that I did purchase the sign and allowed the garnishment to prolong so that the bill would be paid. The bill is paid now so please go away.

Company: Leasecomm Corporation
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Woburn
Address: 10 M Commerce Way
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