National Homebusiness Inc
Ripped off by Cybermall 2000 and Leasecomm

Internet & Web

In the month of February 98, while looking in the Eployment sect of Food a listing for Internet Consultants Needed. Sent an E-Mail and contacted by Adreine Maxwell of CyberMall200. Was informed it was not a job but a "Business Oppurtunity". For just $3999.99 I could start my business in just a few weeks.

If I followed cybermall's instructions. Sent the Check and was contacted again that I didn't really purchase all of the materials that I needed. And as all of us with big dreams and gullibilty was suckered for another $5000.00.

Part of the instructions was that I had to sign for a merchant account with Leasecomm.

So as it goes with all hard luck stories, Website was a scam, lost my money, got slammed and sued by Leasecomm for a Hand credit card imprinter "worth $50.00" and received a judgement against me for $4300.00 and my wages garnished, which enventually got me fired.

Company: National Homebusiness Inc
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Deland
Address: 325 Old Daytona Road
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LeaseComm Corporation
Yet another victim of LeaseComm! Rip-off

Leasecomm Corporation
Leasecomm still billing for defunct merchant account terminals!

Ripoff business from hell

Leasecomm Corporation
Leasecomm Corp, Galaxy Mall preys on those who are trying to help themselves via their network of deception


Leasecom Corporation, Themeware Corp
Themeware Corp, Leasecom Corporation ripoff, Themeware gets you to sign up for a merchant acct. Using misleading information. You are stuck with a Leascomm contract you can't get out of & thats it mistreated and ripped off Woburn

NHB Inc (National Home Business Inc) Pres. -Jonathan Rowe
National Home Business (NHB) Inc. President - Jonathan Rowe Promised to pay $ promised a coach, used my Credit Card, I lost $4000 Ripoff thieves

Leasecomm Virtual Merchant Internet Toolbox
Themeware ripoff fraud business leasecomm

Themeware I Toolbox ripoff victimized many consumers

Ripoff. The most corrupt company